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Senior UX Designer 



My job is to make a merchant's life easy | Leading experience design for merchant ecosystem and product workflow management.

My Role

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At CImpress, I lead the design for merchant product tooling and for workflow lifecycle management.

My time here at Cimpress.
02+ years and continuing

Reduced usability friction by implementing user centric design solutions

Successfully delivered 15+ medium and large scale projects 

The Impact

Optimised the merchant product workflow and bulk data management 
Setting up context-aware user help across the platform, allowing users to simplify troubleshooting and reduce helpdesk intervention
New feature nudge, to help users become more aware of the latest updates and features. Linked to release notes and step by step guide to explore the feature
Tracking product validation status in bulk - Helping merchants find, track and manage their product validations (Rules that prevent products from being published until satisfied) and publish their products live on the website

Some snapshot of my work

Some of my large scale projects that made an impact

Product availability 

Bulk validations UI

Designed and launched interface that surfaces product data, enabling merchants to find estimated availability and delivery dates based on existing supplier information.
  • Eliminated the need for backend effort, saving company resources and time.
  • Reduced the time taken and no. of steps to find the same data.
  • Collaboration with stakeholders, product manager and engineers, multiple sets of iterations, thick skin and a lot of caffeine
Capability to help users manage their product rules in bulk and launch the product live on the website
  • Now users can track and manage upto 300 products in one go. This was extremely rewarding since previously our users had to keep track of each product manually before this capability
  • Countless user interviews, hours of data analysis, and weeks full of iterations 

Mass customization is complex, and so are our user problems.

Most of our projects involve extremely complex problems that cater to specialized user personas and require multi-layered solutions, making them challenging to showcase on a website.
So, to know more about how I solve complex use cases involving multiple businesses and user personas, you can reach out to me.

Sketches and paintings

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My deep love for sketching and putting life into the brush strokes

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